Tuesday, February 26, 2013

First Attempt

Well, here's my first attempt to enter the blogging world. I know a handful of people that blog as they are pretty interesting, and some who think they are interesting, but I'll throw this out there now, I don't claim to be very interesting. The point of this blog for me was to keep tabs on my marathon training as I frequently lurk on running blogs to learn what I'm not doing correctly, or on the rare occasion, what I am doing correctly. I'll throw in occasional stories about life and my pursuit of ultimately ending up in a warm weather climate.

My first marathon was in 2009 when I ran the Disney Marathon. I was never a distance runner and the only reason I started running was because a coworker wanted to run a half-marathon and I figured I'd support him and run with him. I quickly found out that I loved running and halfway through training for the half marathon I decided to run the marathon.

While I continued to run over the next few years I didn't commit to any more marathons until last year when I decided to run Chicago. My best friend, who had a medical scare, added running a marathon to his bucket list and ran Chicago with me. I told him he'd be hooked once he ran one and I think he's now a convert, so we'll both be running Chicago again this year.

I was hesitant to call myself a marathon runner with only one marathon under my belt, so now my made up rules allow me to now call myself a marathon runner. My first marathon goal was to finish, last year was to break 4:00, however, I had IT Band issues on both knees with just over a month before the marathon so my goal was adjusted to finishing. This year I'm shooting for 3:45 and have decided to take up the Pfitzinger training plan....It looks brutal, and from what I've heard, I'll probably despise the day I decided to use the plan, but it's now written down so I'm pot committed and hoping for 3:45.